An apple a day proverbially keeps the doctor away, but Snow White might have a few words to say about that. This lighthearted take on the classic movie’s poison apple is an easy and fun option for your next bash.
Add a whimsical touch to the affair by transforming ordinary marshmallows into colorful poison-apple marshmallow pops.

PREP TIME25 mins
COOK TIME15 mins
What You’ll Need
Green fruit leather or flat fruit-flavored chewy candy
Scissors or craft knife
Lollipop sticks
Pink or red candy melts
2 shallow bowls, one of them heatproof
Red decorative sugar
Parchment-lined baking sheet
Pretzel sticks
Brown Kraft paper
Glue (optional)
Raffia strands or naturally brown twine (optional)
Paper or foil candy cups (optional)
Foam block (optional)
Helpful Tip
Cutting should be done by an adult. If you're unable to find candy melts, feel free to use white chocolate instead. Just be extra diligent about covering the marshmallow thoroughly with the colorful sugar crystals.
How To Make It
1 Unroll a strip of green fruit leather, or any similarly flat, chewy candy with a good green color. Use a clean pair of scissors to cut a leaf shape for every pop, making a few extras in case of accidents.
2 Insert a lollipop stick into a flat end of each marshmallow, pushing it about 2/3 of the way into the puffy candy. Set the marshmallows aside.
3 Melt 1 to 2 cups of pink or red candy melts in a heatproof bowl, either in your microwave or over a pan of gently simmering water. Candy melts can overheat easily, so stir them constantly as soon as they begin to visibly soften. If you use your microwave, zap them in 20- to 30-second increments until they're mostly melted, then continue stirring until the last few lumps disappear.
4 Fill a second bowl with decorative red sugar crystals, and set it near the first. Place a parchment-lined baking sheet beside that, so the marshmallows, candy melts, sugar and baking sheet form a neat and orderly sequence.
5 Pick up a marshmallow by its stick, and dip it into the bowl of candy melts. Swirl it to cover the entire surface, then lift it from the candy melts and hold it in place for a moment so the excess can drip off. Transfer the marshmallow to the red sugar, and roll it around so sugar clings on all sides to the soft coating. Shake the bowl, or sprinkle the sugar with your fingers, to fill in the tricky area around the stick. Set the marshmallow on your baking sheet, with the stick pointing up, and repeat for each remaining marshmallow.
6 Decide which way will be “up” when your apples are presented. For example, if you're going to set out the pops on a tray or in individual candy cups of foil or paper, the stick side becomes the top of the apple. If you plan to insert the sticks into a foam block so the apple pops can show to best advantage, the stick side becomes the bottom of the apple.
7 Break pretzel sticks into small pieces, and insert them into the top of each marshmallow pop to form the apple's stem. It can go right alongside the stick, if the stick side is the designated top. Touch the base of each green leaf to your candy melts so a small dot of candy adheres to the bottom, and use that to “glue” the leaf alongside the pretzel stem.
8 Cut small labels from a sheet of brown Kraft paper, and write “take a bite” on each. Glue labels to the marshmallows sticks, or attach using a thin strand of raffia or simple brown twine.